
本文是基于CC PART1文档整理而成,虽然主要总结的是配置管理的知识,文中或多或少会涉及CC的缩略词,这里先简单介绍一下。


产品生命周期,查看“产品生命周期与配置管理系统的关系”章节图片里的“Product Life Cycle”。

产品生命周期大致可以分为这几部分:开发及测试 – 生产及测试 – 交付 – 用户接收及使用







操作环境只保护用户在安装好产品之后的实际环境。操作环境和ST里的OE安全目标相关,也和AGD OPE文档相关。




CCPART1 第147段定义了配置管理。

discipline applying technical and administrative direction and surveillance to: identify and document the functional and physical characteristics of a configuration item, control changes to those characteristics, record and report change processing and implementation status, and verify compliance with specified requirements.




CCPART1 第154段定义了配置管理。

set of procedures and tools (including their documentation) used by a developer to develop and maintain configurations of his products during their life-cycles.

Configuration management systems may have varying degrees of rigour and function. At higher levels, configuration management systems may be automated, with flaw remediation, change controls, and other tracking mechanisms.



CCPART1 第156段定义了配置管理。

manually operated or automated tools realising or supporting a configuration management system.

For example tools for the version management of the parts of the TOE.



CCPART1 第157段定义了配置管理。

part of the configuration management system, which describes, how the configuration management system is defined and applied by using

for example handbooks, regulations and/or documentation of tools and procedures.



CCPART1 第153段定义了配置管理。

description of how the configuration management system is used for the TOE.

The objective of issuing a configuration management plan is that staff members can see clearly what they have to do. From the point of view of the overall configuration management system this can be seen as an output document (because it may be produced as part of the application of the configuration management system). From the point of view of the concrete project it is a usage document because members of the project team use it in order to understand the steps that they have to perform during the project. The configuration management plan defines the usage of the system for the specific product; the same system may be used to a different extent for other products. That means the configuration management plan defines and describes the output of the configuration management system of a company which is used during the TOE development.



CCPART1 第152段定义了配置管理。

results, related to configuration management, produced or enforced by the configuration management system

These configuration management related results could occur as documents (for example filled paper forms, configuration management system records, logging data, hard-copies and electronic output data) as well as actions (for example manual measures to fulfil configuration management instructions). Examples of such configuration management outputs are configuration lists, configuration management plans and/or behaviours during the product life-cycle.




CCPART1 第155段定义了配置管理。

output produced during the operation of the configuration management system documenting important configuration management activities

Examples of configuration management system records are configuration management item change control forms or configuration management item access approval forms.



CCPART1 第150段定义了配置管理。

object managed by the CM system during the TOE development

These may be either parts of the TOE or objects related to the development of the TOE like evaluation documents or development tools. CM items may be stored in the CM system directly (for example files) or by reference (for example hardware parts) together with their version.



CCPART1 第151段定义了配置管理。

configuration management output document listing all configuration items for a specific product together with the exact version of each configuration management item relevant for a specific version of the complete product

This list allows distinguishing the items belonging to the evaluated version of the product from other versions of these items belonging to other versions of the product. The final configuration management list is a specific document for a specific version of a specific product. (Of course the list can be an electronic document inside of a configuration management tool. In that case it can be seen as a specific view into the system or a part of the system rather than an output of the system. However, for the practical use in an evaluation the configuration list will probably be delivered as a part of the evaluation documentation.) The configuration list defines the items that are under the configuration management requirements of ALC_CMC.




[1] CCPART1V3.1R5.pdf
[2] https://www.commoncriteriaportal.org/cc/

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